There's no place like home!


Feng Shui

A Feng Shui analysis offers unique insight in you and your home, by showing the energetic connection.


Feng Shui is a way of looking at the space you live in with different eyes. It reveals the connection between you, your home and your life, on a very personal level.


Feng shui works along the principles of quantum physics: everything within the cosmos is interconnected and consists of energy, at the level of the smallest particles.


You learn how to optimize your home so that it fully supports your well-being. Not only at home, but in all areas of your life!

"Ilsabeth has a very practical way of dealing with

a subjectthat many people think of as esoteric.

Enjoy her wise and detailed advice and you will feel much better."


 What is Feng Shui? (pronunciation: 'Foeng Shjwee')

  • Ancient knowledge, originated in China more than 4000 years ago
  • Literal meaning 'Wind and Water': the visible & invisible elements that determine our environment
  • It is about so much more than just furnishing!
  • ALL aspects of an environment are covered: residents  | layout | location | light | doors & windows | colors | materials | design | furniture | art | et cetera.
  • Looking at a house through a Feng Shui lens reveals (unconscious) patterns, because of the tight connection between people & their space,

What to expect from a Feng Shui analysis?


  • It's about you and your home: reflections & interactions.
  • You / your family as the resident(s) are central focus, the analysis is highly personal.
  • Any advice will match your taste & style.

In advance, you deliver

  • A (correct) floor plan of your house
  • A photo impression (just like it is, no need to tidy up ;))
  • Dates of birth of all residents
  • Specific questions you have: about (areas in) your home and / or about issues in your life.


  • I make an extensive analysis based on the floorplan and the Nine Star Ki (Chinese astrology) of all residents.
  • In a Zoom call I share my analysis & the story of your home. Where needed we virtually walk through your house together.
  • Afterwards you receive a report in bullet points of the main features and recommendations.


  • You get amazing insight in the connection between you and your home.
  • You receive input to align your home with the energy of you/your family & with with your intentions.
  • You flourish, in home and life!

 Investment: € 350


 "I was astonished when Ilsabeth explained how my home reflected in great detail what was going on in my life. With just a few small adjustments things took an unexpected different turn."


"We are more than super happy with the outcome!!!!!!!!!
It adds another level of consciousness to the project and I’m so grateful for that!!!"

F&M, Spain

(Feng Shui analysis of the building plan of their new home)



 "After your analysis, we are so much more conscious about our home and what we choose to put in it. We decluttered what didn't fit anymore and feel amazing!
Apart from this, we have deepened our relationship by understanding our innate energy patterns, how they show up in our house. A process resulted in a boost for both our relationship and our work life! Thank you Ilsabeth!"



"Ilsabeth heeft een grote passie en betrokkenheid bij feng-shui! Ze heeft me laten zien, hoe je huis uiteindelijk een weerspiegeling is van jezelf. Door in je huis meer ruimte in te nemen, werkt dat door naar andere gebieden heb ik door haar ontdekt. Ik kan een feng-shui advies van Ilsabeth zeker aanbevelen!"



"Ilsabeth maakte voor mij een compleet en prettig leesbaar rapport op met voldoende suggesties om naar eigen inzicht toe te passen. Ze benoemt mogelijkheden van mijn huis en de kansen die Feng Shui mij hierin biedt. En wat Feng Shui is, ze licht het allemaal duidelijk toe in dit rapport waaruit ik al verschillende adviezen heb toegepast in mijn nieuwe huis."
R uit Z


Ilsabeth’s kennis heeft me geholpen bewust te maken wat ik onbewust bleek te weten. Met nog meer plezier schoon ik mijn huis!"

N uit Amersfoort